We had a great time the last 7 days as my parents (Mark & Gill) were staying with us for a short stop-over on their world-trip. I took Monday and Tuesday off work, so we hired a car and did a pretty quick road trip around Southern Ireland.
Mum & Dad have all the details in their write up of the trip, so I’ll direct you to there for now. We took heaps of photos, the scenery was very beautiful. Once we’ve got them all sorted out I’ll upload them. To keep you going until then, I’ve stayed up well past my bedtime, (good thing Google has flexible hours, I think I’ll sleep in tommorrow) creating a map to show you where we’ve been.
Click on the picture below to view the fullsize, interactive version.
Comment from David on 2007-06-30
Who was supervising who?
Comment from Lisa Greening on 2007-07-06
Hey Guys!! Great to hear you are doing well and having some relaxation time to see the sights!! We are thinking of you over there and hope that everything is working out well…. Take care Lisa…