For a while now I’ve been playing with the idea of storing my recipes online. I like the idea of having all my recipes at my fingertips wherever I am, easy to search through and safely recorded. Of course for me, living away from NZ, it’s also a handy way to have my favourite recipes here without needing to lug the cookbooks across the globe. On the big wide web there are of course plenty of sites that already allow you to add recipes but nothing was exactly what I wanted. So, being a web designer I decided it would be a fun project to create my own recipe application! is the result of many hours umming and ahhhing and many more hours of hair pulling and stomping. I think in the end it’s quite nice.
How it works:
- Start a recipe collection simply by logging in and adding your first recipe.
- Add lots of recipes, all your favourites. And add photos for each recipe to remind yourself how delicious it was and how fabulous you were to make it!
- Choose to share the recipes with others by making them public, or keep them private for just your own record.
- Generate a PDF of any recipe so you can print it out nicely.
- Search for recipes. You can search through your own recipes and also the public recipes of anyone else with an Omnom recipe collection. Search by category, with keywords, or using tags.
- Plus lots more soon… There are lots of ideas and possibilities kicking around in my head so expect to see added functionality over time.
If you have a foodie inclination like myself, please feel free to check out and even add some recipes of your own. The application grew purely out of my own need for an online recipe collection but if it can be useful to others that would make it even better!
Omnom is still taking baby steps so if you find anything that doesn’t work as you expected or you think there’s an awesome feature I should add please please please send me a message and let me know. I appreciate the feedback 🙂
Comment from Sarah Willis on 2010-08-08
eeehehe I love it Kat! Such a cute idea! I reckon you should add a comments feature to the recipes? That would be cool =)